Free, no obligation quotes

Due to the unique way we are able to receive and store whatsapp business messages, we are able to forward on videos and pictures directly to our contractors so that in many cases, work can be quoted on without visiting the property itself.  

This means there is no cost to our clients or tenants to send picture messages or videos, pay for an unrequired call out charge, or pay for a quote to fix or replace as many contractors are doing now to cut down on "time wasters".

This can also help (and has done on many many occasions) when a tenant makes a mistake and reports a fundamental error in the heating, water supply etc. Normally this would incur an emergency call out charge, but by the contractor engaging in a video call or pre recorded video, the mistake can be cleared up without a visit and some simple advice can clear up the matter. Normally along the lines of, "you haven't turned the water back on" or "you haven't plugged the socket in". Its happens.........

If the repair is genuine, we are then able to set up a purchase order for the reported maintenance issue or work our client has reported, then send that over by email to our client for sign off if the quote is acceptable. 

We are completely transparent with our clients on the costs and work carried out. All work will be photo documented, invoiced, sent across for visual inspection to you and kept on file for future issues. We will only initiate payment once the quality of work has been signed off.